Randy Mack Hernandez

I write, do poetry, program, animate, and do much much more!

Creakiness etches
Through the musty air like chalk.
Days of old call you.

haiku following the prompt “old”

Expressing Myself Every Step of the Way

Creativity is my lifeblood.


I write short stories, follow prompts, and do exercises with other people in the writing sphere.


I create poetry in my free time, including haiku and acrostics, though I also enjoy free-verse poetry.


I like to create games that I would like to play, and hopefully others enjoy them, too!


I animate using free, open-source software. They are basic but have character in themselves. I especially like satisfying looped animation.

Website Building

I enjoy the process of creating, publishing, and sharing websites. I used to have a website that garnered over two million views, and now I want to build a fan base.


I have made games, utilities, and things in between. I have experience in MS-DOS, Windows, Linux, and Mac, with Batch, Python, HTML, multiple dialects of BASIC, and more.

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